The legally binding treaty was passed by the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, and is the result of efforts by UN member states over the past five years. In this process, opinions of representatives of civil society, information security experts, academia and private sector were also taken. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has welcomed the consensus on this treaty. This is the first treaty for international criminal justice in the last 20 years. He said in his statement that this treaty is a testament to the success of multilateralism in difficult times and reflects the collective spirit of member states to combat cyber crimes and prevent them through international cooperation. According to the UN chief, this convention This will create an unprecedented platform for collaboration, exchange of evidence, and protection of human rights of victims and online media. “The Secretary-General is confident that this The new treaty will promote a secure cyber world, and he urged all Member States to accede to the convention and bring it into force with the cooperation of relevant stakeholders.” Philemon Yang, President of the UN General Assembly, said that the treaty Its passing will strengthen international cooperation to prevent and combat cyber crimes and protect the rights of ordinary citizens. The resolution brought for the approval of this treaty in the UN General Assembly consisting of 193 member states without Voted on. Controlling Cyber CrimesThis treaty against cyber crimes highlights the dangers posed by the misuse of information and communications technologies, which are enabling criminal activity to occur at unprecedented speed and scope.In Crimes are having a deep impact on countries, enterprises, ordinary citizens and societies. In view of this, this convention focuses on combating these cyber crimes, terrorism, human trafficking, drug trafficking and financial fraud through online mediums. This convention expresses concern over the impact of cyber crimes on civilians and provides protection to all victims. Emphasis is placed on prioritizing justice, especially for vulnerable groups, and promoting technical assistance, capacity-building and collaboration with Member States and all stakeholders. This treaty will be presented for signature in a formal ceremony in the city of Hanoi, Vietnam. This treaty will come into force 90 days after it is ratified by 40 signatory countries.
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