Showing posts with label MORNINGWALKEXERCISEONLY10 000STEPSADAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MORNINGWALKEXERCISEONLY10 000STEPSADAY. Show all posts





Morning walk exercise: Experts have discovered that walking 10,000 steps a day can help you drop those unwanted pounds faster than just about any other method of weight loss. Walking will also help you keep the weight off for a longer period of time because it builds your muscles while keeping your heart at a fat-burning rate.

Because it can seem to be a daunting task to walk 10,000 steps, it is important that you develop a strategy for meeting your daily quota. Here are three simple methods to help you reach your goals without losing focus:

Use a Pedometer

Using a pedometer can help you easily keep track of the distance you have covered throughout your day as well as the number of steps that you have taken. A pedometer is a small box-shaped calculator that you can clip to your belt or pants pocket in the same way you would wear a beeper.

When placed firmly near the hip, the pedometer accurately registers each step that you take. For individuals wishing to meet their new daily quota of 10,000 steps, the pedometer is the easiest, more carefree method to reach the goal.

When shopping for a pedometer, make sure that you select a model that has both distance and well as individual step readings. You will begin to learn how many steps go into one mile. You will also be surprised by how many steps you can add to your daily count by changing small habits, such as choosing the stairs over the elevator or walking to your colleague’s desk rather than sending an email.

Calculate the Time it Takes

Using either you pedometer or a counting method, calculate the approximate time it takes for you to traverse a specific distance, such as a mile. Calculate this number several times on several different days and average the figures together. You will then be able to determine approximately how long it will take you to walk a portion of your steps if you choose to spend a set amount of time walking them off.

Morning walk exercise: For example, if you know that you can walk all 10,000 steps in an hour, then you can elect to dedicate an hour everyday to walking your steps. However, if you cannot dedicate a full hour, then you can add up increments of ten minutes at a time until you reach your goal. Having a clear understanding of just what it takes to reach your goal will help you to approach the task much more strategically than if you did not have a plan. Do the calculations to save time and assure that you reach your 10,000 steps.

Measure a Route

Morning walk exercise: Measure a route based on the time and distance it takes you to walk your 10,000 steps. Having a pre-planned route will help you to view the task of walking 10,000 in a more manageable light. You will be able to measure your progress along your day and have a system for achieving your goals.

Because taking the same path everyday may become tedious, plan two or three routes. Plan a long route for days when you have a plethora of energy, a short route for days when you are tired, and a mid-length route for days when you are energized but busy. Giving yourself plenty of options is important to helping you stay positive so that you can achieve your goal.

Ways To Feed Your Soul By Simply Walking-Morning walk exercise

We live in a culture that honors Type A, driven behaviors. That includes exercise and for many people, it’s taken away the joy out of simply walking. Instead of seeing walking as something you must do to get in shape, see it as a gift of being alive and let yourself fully enjoy the experience.

1) Walk with deep awareness of how it feels to move your body.

2) Experience the act of walking as if you’ve never, ever done it before.

3) Be aware. Be present in the moment. Really feel your body as you’re moving.

4) Pay attention to how your feet feel with each rolling step on the earth.

5) Notice the strength and power in your muscles.

6) Feel yourself moving in space.

7) Observe the wind on your skin and the temperature of the air.

8) Have a beauty feast while you’re out. Notice the light coming through the leaves. See the flowers with fresh eyes.

9) Take a fresh look at the world as you move through it. Assume nothing. Experience the wonder of life as if you’ve never seen anything before. Watch the people as if you’d never seen a human before.

Best Exercise For Weight Loss

The best exercise for weight loss? There’s no such thing, but no surprise there, right? Someone with leg problems can’t run to lose weight, and swimming won’t work without access to a pool. There is no one-size-fits-all prescription here. You just have to work out which exercises are best for you.

A Few Of The Best Exercises For Weight Loss

Raising your heart and breathing rate for a time at least three times a week is the general idea, and there are many ways to do that. Any activity will burn calories, though, so don’t feel you have to start heavy workouts to get some benefit. A few possibilities and ideas follow, but talk to your doctor before starting any of the more athletic activities.

– Do things you enjoy doing, which also involve moving your body. You’re more likely to persevere in your efforts if you enjoy yourself.

– Swimming can be a great weight loss exercise, because it is easy on the joints. Swimming in cool water also means your body burns calories heating itself.

– Walking is perhaps a better alternative to running or jogging. It’s easier on the body, and delivers about the same benefits for the same distance traveled. It’s also more enjoyable for many of us. Walking also can be done in large malls when the weather is bad outside.

– Climbing up and down stairs is a very aerobic exercise. It burns almost as many calories as jogging, without the problems of weather. In the right place, it can be more private too.

– Stationary bicycles are tough to use regularly because of the boredom factor. If you only allow yourself to watch your favorite television show while pedaling, however, you may feel more motivated.

– Parking the car far away from every place you visit can mean a lot of extra walking. Once you do it enough, it will become an almost unconscious habit.

– Walking the dog can be great exercise for you and the dog. It’s also a good way to meet new people.

– Getting a job that requires physical activity can be a way to guarantee you’ll get enough exercise. Just be sure it’s something you can handle and enjoy.

– Gardening helps a lot of people burn calories while doing something enjoyable. It also can produce the healthy foods that help with weight loss.

What’s available to you will determine what exercises you can use. You may also have some personal physical limitations. What you enjoy doing may be the most important consideration, however, because the best exercise for weight loss is the one you’ll actually do.


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